Step 1:
Step 2:
Insert Username and Password
Step 3:
Ensure that the correct Term is selected
Step 4:
Select the box next to "I have read and accept the
FERPA statement."
Step 5:
Click "Login"
Step 6:
After logging in, please select "Course Management" in the top bar, then select "My Courses".
Step 7:
In the list of classes shown, please select the course you would like to enter attendance for by clicking the blue Course ID on the left side.
Step 8:
On the left side of the screen, scroll down until you see "Attendance Entry". Then click it.
Step 9:
Ensure that the "Attendance Date" you input is a day that the course meets. Then select "Load Daily Attendance"
(If you need to submit attendance for one than one day, you will need to come back to this screen after submitting for the first day)
Step 10:
After clicking "Load Daily Attendance", you will be greeted with you class roster. In the "Status" field you will need to select the drop down and mark the status of the student for that specific day you inputted on the previous screen.
Step 11:
Once you are finished inputting the "status" for each student, you will select "Save Daily Attendance" on the bottom of the screen.
Step 12:
Once you save, it will bring you back to Step 9. If you do not need to submit attendance for another day, you are finished.